Por |2020-11-13T03:44:53+01:00jueves, octubre 31, 2013|

Su Alteza Real el Príncipe Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi Batonishvilli de Georgia, Príncipe de Mukhrani, será bautizado por su Santidad y Beatitud K.k. Ilia II, Arzobispo de Mtskheta–Tbilisi, Metropolitana de Abjasia y Pitsunda y Catholicos–Patriarca de Georgia, en la Catedral de Svetitskhoveli, el 3 de noviembre de 2013.
His Royal Highness Prince Giorgi Bagration Bagrationi Batonishvilli of Georgia, The Prince of Mukhrani, will be baptized by His Holiness and Beatitude K.k. Ilia II, Archbishop of Mtskheta–Tbilisi, Metropolitan of Abkhazia and Pitsunda and Catholicos–Patriarch of All Georgia, in Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, 3rd November 2013.