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Nuevo Escudo con lambrequín inspirado en algunos ejemplos del escudo Scheibler. 7/2018.

 Está diseñado para la noble casa de Bulat de Dalmacia. Fundada el 18 de marzo de 1436 por Katunar Bulat Kustražić, bajo Iván VI Frankopan, Príncipe de Cetina.


New CoA with mantling inspired by some examples of the Scheibler Armorial. 7/2018.

 It’s designed for the noble House of Bulat from Dalmatia. Founded on 18th March 1436 by katunar Bulat Kustražić, under Ivan VI Frankopan, Prince of Cetina.


 In the year 1322 the ancestors of the House of Bulat, the Kustražić family came to Kingdom of Croatia as the mercenaries and knights of Mladen II Šubić of Bribir, Ban of Croatia and Lord of all Bosnia. After his demise at the Battle of Bliska (1322) Mladen II Šubić Bribirski lost his power and was imprisoned by Charles I of Hungary. The Vlachs settled in the Cetina region, where the first traceable ancestor of the House of Bulat is recorded as katunar Juraj Kustražić who served Prince Ivan Nelipčić (1344–1379). After him came his son katunar Jerko Kustražić who served under Prince Ivaniš Ivanović Nelipčić (1379–1434). In 1416 Prince Ivaniš, having no sons, married his daughter to a powerful Croatian magnate Ivan VI Frankopan with the support of Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund of Luxembourg. The Princes and the Emperor met in Brinje where it was decided that all the possessions of Prince Ivaniš, including the alliance with the Vlachs will be inherited by Ivan VI Frankopan through his marriage. The last known member of the Kustražić family was katunar Bulat Kustražić, son of Jerko and progenitor of the House of Bulat. In 1436 the Emperor Sigismund broke his promise and deprived Ivan VI Frankopan of his titles and lands naming as the Ban of Croatia Matko Talovac, another magnate from a rival house. Ivan VI Frankopan gathered the Vlach nobles and wrote on 18th March 1436 a document called «Law for the Vlachs of Cetina» where the old nobility is confirmed. In this text katunar Bulat Kustražić is named. After this Ivan VI Frankopan went to civil war with his allies to defend his inheritance. After several victories in battle Prince Ivan IV Frankopan sadly died around December,1436 at Klis at a young age. Following his death, the persecution of the Vlachs from Cetina begun and the family stopped using the old surname of Kustražić and became Bulat. They settled in Zaostrog, where they are mentioned as one of the oldest families.