El Honorable Sr. D. Vitor Escudero de Campos, Caballero Honorario y Canciller del Capítulo de La Casa Troncal de los Doce Linajes de Soria en Portugal, nos remite estas noticias  que publicamos.


Sin título-1

        The Engraved Plaques of Neolithic Iberia: Heraldry, and Beyond «During the late 4

th/early 3rd millennium BCE, hundreds of exquisitely engraved plaques made of slate were crafted and placed with the dead in tombs throughout Southwest Iberia. The plaques’ geometric designs and ocular imagery have captivated the imaginations of archaeologists for over 150 years, and many perspectives have been used to interpret their functions and meanings. Given the diversity in their forms and contexts, one thing is certain: there was no one meaning of the Iberian plaques. In my lecture, I discuss the model that one type of plaque – the Classic plaque – functioned as heraldry or a record of special people’s genealogy. It also explores the notion that these plaques had biographies and were multi-temporal. They incorporated imagery and designs from more ancient objects and were used as inspiration for other forms of material culture in later centuries. I suggest that the plaques’ multi-temporal quality is due, in large part, to the fact that the tombs in which the plaques (and other material culture) were deposited were revisited repeatedlyas part of the process of burying the dead.»

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