El Canciller de la Casa Troncal en Nueva Zelanda e Islas del Pacífico, el Honorable Señor Don Anthony Raman, nos envía esta interesante crónica sobre la reunión de Casas Reales de Indonesia, celebrada en Kupang, a finales del pasado mes de julio 2010, en el Palacio del Rey Nisnoni, Don Leopold Nicolaas Nisnoni, Raja de Kupang, en la que participaron un gran número de Rajas, y en la que se trataron importantes temas culturales.
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Armas del H.Sr.D. Anthony Raman. |
La reunión, presidida por el Raja de Kupang, fue abierta por el Vice Gobernador del estado indonesio de East Nusa Tenggara, Su Excelencia Eshton Leyloh Foenay, él mismo titular del trono del Reino de Helong, uno de los reinos de Kupang, que acudió vestido con la vestimenta tradicional.
La ceremonia, solemne, estuvo acompañada de danzas y músicas regionales, usando los asistentes los vestidos propios de su condición nobiliaria.
El Raja de Kupang, al igual que muchos otros, es reconocido formalmente por el gobierno de Indonesia, quien les otorga un importante rol en temas culturales y tradicionales.
Don Leopold Nicolaas Nisnoni, muy respetado y querido por todos, es uno de los pocos reyes cristianos de Indonesia, se mantiene al margen de la política y trabaja en pro del desarrollo cultural de su país.
A continuación, pueden leer el texto original gentilmente remitido por el Caballero Anthony Raman.
Antara News, the national news agency of Indonesia, reported the recent historic meeting of the various Rajas of Timor in the Nusa Tenggara Timor Province including West Timor held towards the end of July.
The news article headlined and prominently stated that the meeting that the Rajas assembled at the Sonaf (Palace) of the King Nisnoni in Kupang, who is HRH Don Leopold Nicolaas Nisnoni, The Raja of Kupang.
The meeting was opened by the current Vice Governor of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), H.E Eshton Leyloh Foenay who is also the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Helong, which is one of the Kingdoms within Kupang. He stressed when opening the meeting that the kings must be closer to the people and be a role model for them, as without the people, there would be no king. The Vice Governor came in royal cloths and regalia befitting his status as the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Helong.
The Vice Governor, Rajas, Fettors and some Temukungs within Timor (equivalent to Lords or territorial heads who manage certain villages, smaller villages and neighbourhoods traditionally for the Raja and representative of the Raja in their areas of responsibility ) were welcomed upon their arrival by the heir to the throne of the Kingdom of Kupang, Don Leopold Nicolaas Nisnoni. Their welcome was accompanied by regional dances, royal regalia and nobility clothing with music from the beating of gongs (traditional Indonesian musical instrument).
The title for this picture please put as ‘The grandfather Raja Don Nicolaas Nisnoni of the current Raja of Kupang and his father who was the then Crown Prince Alfonsus Nisnoni. Standing behind them are the Fettors or Vice Kings of the Kupang Kingdom)
The Rajas (Kings) sat on special chairs that had been prepared in prominent location while in front of them dozens of Temukungs sat cross legged on special mats on the ground with their own traditional clothes.
The atmosphere was ceremonial and certainly royal and brought back memories and images of the time prior to the 1960s and hundreds of years before that when the ancestors of these Rajas headed their own governments and ruled their own kingdoms.
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Don Leopold Nicolaas Nisnoni, The Raja of Kupang. |
The title for this picture please put as ‘Don Leopold Nicolaas Nisnoni, The Raja of Kupang’
The Raja of Kupang and the Royal Dynasty of Kupang as one of the certain formerly ruling royal dynasties is recognised on a cultural and traditional basis. The Raja is a traditional leader of his people and the custodian/beholder of their customs and culture. Don Leopold Nisnoni is one of the few Christian Kings in Indonesia who is well regarded by the various other royal dynasties. Don Leopold maintains good relations with the various Rajas and Sultans in Indonesia including the larger former sultanates throughout Indonesia.
Don Leopold takes active part in various royal meetings and gatherings of the various royal dynasties in Indonesia and his views are taken seriously by the other dynasties.
There exist much historical records in the west of the ancestors and lineage Don Leopold and his current position as head of the Royal House of Kupang and successor to the former empire of Sonbai. Even at the present moment, much historical research are being done by certain European professors on the Timor Kings with Don Leopold taking a prominent and guiding role for these researchers.
Even though, Don Leopold, The Raja of Kupang is not involved in politics but he is well regarded and accepted as a cultural and traditional leader who is well loved by all. The Raja’s focus is for the development of cultural and traditional values while working towards friendship and peace amongst all and with all.